last week in uganda :(

So next week I will be leaving this beautiful country, and I’m not happy about it!  We’ve had a wonderful past couple of days, and are looking forward to the weekend – although we really want the time to slow down!

On Sunday we were lucky enough to meet a man named Hannington, who is the director of The AIDS Support Organization (TASO), a Ugandan-based NGO that has grown to be the most prominent HIV/AIDS organization in East Africa.  They have also started “mini TASOs”, one of which is the organization that I am here working with directly.  It was awesome to talk to him and hear TASO’s successes and ideas for the future of HIV/AIDS prevention and support throughout this beautiful country and beyond.

Monday was the first day back to school from Easter Holidays, and it’s crazy to see the school we’ve been living at for the past 3 weeks filled with kids!  Moses introduced us to each class in the morning, and we were greeted by the children with an abundance of questions and smiling faces.  Moses teaches math to kids aged 11-15, so we decided to sit in on his math class – three social science students who haven’t taken math since high school apparently are no match for Ugandan children.

Monday afternoon and this morning we were back in the garden, and we will be returning this afternoon.  We have finished cultivating a new patch of land, where we will be planting some more onions, so we’re really excited!

I have to run, sorry for the short post, but I have to get back to the village!  OH, last thing, last night we were eating dinner at our house with Moses and a little boy came running over to tell us that one of the goats had given birth!  So, naturally, we ran screaming like little girls to find 2 baby goats, just an hour old, and got to carry them down the hill to the goat house for their first night in the world.  So cute!! I took lots of photos so they will be uploaded soon after I get back!

Much love to all

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